How to cite

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The data that have been collected within the framework of the Comparative Agendas Project and published on website are freely available for scholary or informative purposes after the consultation with the project leaders ( Any unlicensed use of the data leads to legal consequences.




A. In case of re-publication of the data published on this website, please cite the following volume:

Sebők, Miklós - Boda, Zsolt (eds). Policy Agendas in Autocracy, and Hybrid Regimes. The Case of Hungary. 313 p. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 2021.

B. In case of an independent data analysis, please cite the following: 

Sebők, Miklós - Boda, Zsolt (eds). Policy Agendas in Autocracy, and Hybrid Regimes. The Case of Hungary. 313 p. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 2021.

" The presented data are originally from the research "Hungarian Comparative Agendas Project, 2014-2017" funded by OTKA (ÁJP K 109303), the data are published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Social Sciences. Neither the OTKA nor the leaders of the project are responsible for the content of the presented analysis."

C. In case of the use of research results published in a project study (not raw data), please cite the relevant article. Information about the studies made within the framework of CAP can be found under the Left menu’s Research submenu.